The SKL Rail Fastening System is mostly is the most frequently used railway track structure in the concrete sleepers on ballast all over the world. In the W-track, sleeper shoulders provide stability for track and fastening system, allowing the transfer of forces generated by the passing trains. The ballast bed is flexible and transfers these loads homogeneously into the substructure.

SKL Rail fasteners

Components type 1:

1SKL Clip460Si2CrA
2Screw Spike4Q235&35k&45#
3Angle Plate4PA66+30%GF
4Dowel4HDPE & PS66
5Rail Pad2Rubber & EVA & HAPE

Components type 2:

1SKL Clip460Si2CrA
2Tie Plate4Q235 /QT450
3Bolt &Nut&Washer435K&45#&65Mn
4Screw Spike4Q235 &35k
5Rail Pad2Rubber & EVA & HAPE

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